The Spectre
May 17, 2021


This is not true. You can't really blame the working class for assimilating the dominant ideology, advanced through the intentional efforts of the ruling class, whose interests are served by its propagation. Furthermore, at least in the U.S., a strong majority of the working class does not vote for the conservative party. And although having a lower income and lower level of education are predictors of voting conservative over liberal, they're also predictors of simply not voting.

The "working class" here is mischaracterized as wholly and singularly devoted to Trump and his brand of 21st century fascism when it is actually far more diverse, demographically and politically.

Finally, the U.S. slide into fascism may have been led by conservatives, but it has been abetted by liberal parties at every step along the way. This is because they share essentially the same class interests.

